Sometimes the best place to help a youth realize their full potential is at school. Learn how you can volunteer in our Site-Based Programs.

School-Based Mentoring

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Iowa partners with select schools in Polk County. A mentor (Big) is matched with the child (Little) and visits the child at school for 30-45 minutes each week. The Big gives one-to-one attention and extra help with school assignments. The teacher ensures that scheduled visits do not interfere with regular scheduled classes.

School-Based Activities

  • Begin with 10-15 minutes of academic work or education related activity
  • Activity bins are provided
  • Explore the school grounds but remain on school campus
  • Explore the Little Big Virtual Academy

We serve children who are in kindergarten to 5th grade in our traditional School-Based Mentoring Program. Each program requires that the Little and Big stay matched together a minimum of one year.

How to be a School-Based Big

Volunteers must be 15 years old or older and complete an application, orientation, and interview. We conduct background checks on each of our volunteers - criminal and child abuse - to ensure the safety of the child. To start the process to enroll as a School-Based Big, please click here or the button below.

School-Based Plus is an extension of our School-Based Mentoring program. The only difference is, Bigs and Littles have the opportunity to meet once a month outside of the school setting. Mentors must be at least 18 years old and the match must be together for three or more months.

For more information on mentoring with BBBSIA, please contact Grace Breiholz, School-Based Mentoring Coordinator, at [email protected] or 515-717-0747.

Workplace Mentoring

Program Overview

  • Youth get exposure to a professional work environment
  • They work on college and career exploration, skill development and building their relationship with their Big by just having fun and getting to know each other.
  • This program encourages youth to begin envisioning the possibilities for their future while providing friendship and support through those difficult transition years of middle school.

Program Schedule:

  • Frequency: Every other week during the school year
  • Duration: Each program is one hour
  • Transportation: Students are transported by bus from school to the local business.

Supervision & Facilitation:

  • Activities are supervised and facilitated by BBBSIA staff.
  • Students and mentors work on a curated curriculum together.

Mentors (Bigs):

  • Backgrounds: Business professionals from variety of backgrounds.
  • Role: To be positive role models and support the potential of each child.
  • Matching: Bigs are matched with Littles based on personalities and common interests.

Safety & Training:

  • Background Checks are conducted on each Big.
  • Training: Each mentor is interviewed and trained by BBBSIA professional staff.

Workplace Mentoring partners with specific schools and businesses. For a list of our schools and business partners, please contact Workplace Mentoring Coordinator- Tristan Hines at [email protected] or (515) 329-0341.